The City of Cypress, located in Orange County, has agreed not to enforce most of its residency restrictions and all of its presence restrictions as terms of two settlement agreements reached on January 31. The City of Cypress also agreed to pay attorney’s fees and costs for the lawsuits filed against them in federal and state courts. In exchange, the plaintiffs in those cases have agreed to dismiss with prejudice the pending lawsuits.

“This is a significant victory for the registered citizens and the family members of registered citizens in Cypress,” stated Janice Bellucci, the attorney who represented the plaintiffs. “Families who were once threatened to be torn apart will now be able to live together in that city.”

The Cypress ordinance severely restricted the locations where a registered citizen could live to only two small segments of that city: in the city’s cemetery and in an industrial park area. The ordinance also prohibited visits by a registered citizen to public areas such as the public library, city parks, and restaurants with recreational areas for children.

The city’s stay of enforcement for residency restrictions will last until the California Supreme Court renders a decision regarding whether or not residency restrictions are constitutional. The city’s stay of enforcement for presence restrictions will last until the same court decides whether to grant review of the Godinez case which deemed the Orange County ordinance to be unenforceable.

The City will continue to enforce a few provisions in its sex offender ordinance — Halloween restrictions and restrictions regarding how many registered citizens can stay in the same hotel or in the same hotel room. A total of three lawsuits were filed last year challenging the Cypress ordinance — two in federal court and one in state court.

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Hats off to Janice and a HUGE round of applause!!!!!!

Any word when the S.C. of California may reach a decision?

Excellent news! Thanks so much Janice!

Even better: Cypress taxpayers (or more likely, their corporate civil insurance company) “donating” money to CA RSOL by paying Janice some well-deserved compensation! Beats pulling nickels from a hat passed at an RSOL meeting (though don’t stop doing that ever!).

grrrrr, sic ’em Janice! Always good news to hear and see that there is some reason, someone who fights the unconstitutional laws. I’ll see you in March in Fresno with checkbook in hand. Thank you.


One battle at a time! Well done.

I just spent some time poking through this web site and, correct me if I am wrong, it seems that every lawsuit CARSOL has filed has resulted in a favorable outcome for the plaintiffs.

Question #1: Are there a bunch of lawsuits that were not announced here that did not go well?

Question #2: If Question #1 is negatory and the success rate is indeed what it appears to be – why is there not a lawsuit filed against every jurisdiction that (still) has these laws in their code?

What might the reason be? If it is for lack of resources, that would be pathetic.

Thank you Janice Bellucci, keep up the lawsuits it is the only way, the only thing the cities understand is when you hit them in their pockets.

Keep the fight going people, support your state groups anyway you can.

I think this is a wonderful thing. The sad part is that the City of Cypress has almost more Brothels or houses of prostitution then any other city in Orange County. Here are just a few:

Bonzai Healing
6316 Lincoln Ave (between Valley View & Holder next to Cypress Suites)
Cypress, CA 90630-Come in Today and let us help you relax!!! clean room,romantic music, Special $30 for 30 mins ,$50 per hour($40_ $60 regular price) – Call us for appointment or walk -ins welcom!we offering full body waxing/shaving/trimming for the entire body OPEN everyday 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM
14332 Euclid St Graden Grove,ca 92843 714-699-8429
I don’t know if this was posted before, so I am putting it up now.